After a day at the community pool on Saturday, my wife and I thought it would be fun to do something different for Sunday.  It was going to be a hot day, just like Saturday, and it just made sense to be in or near water, so after breakfast, I loaded up the truck with our kayaks and gear and we hit the road.  There are many places to kayak around our house, but we opted to head out-of-town instead, just because we wanted to.

Falls Lake State Park was our destination.  It is the closest state park to us that allows personal boats on the water.  Some of the other parks are closer, but they restrict water access, and make you rent boats from them, which totally sucks.  So we headed toward the Raleigh-Durham area.  It was cloudy on the way, but as my shoulders can confess to now, that the sun did make an appearance later in the day.

We didn’t waste anytime getting the boats off the truck and into the water, since it was starting to get hot.  Our lunch even got packed away in my wifes kayak so we could eat on the water when we got ready.  It was the perfect day for this.  We made a great choice.  The water was pretty calm, all except this one dude circling the area we were paddling, with his kids on one of those tow tubes.  Hey pal, thanks for the waves.  Could you go a little faster and get a little closer to us next time?  You didn’t quite get my daughter to tip over.  Thanks a lot.

After awhile navigating the shoreline and listening to the birds, we stopped for lunch on a sandy part ad anchored ourselves together as best we could. The wraps my wife made were delicious and her only flaw was not bringing more.  He He He.

After an hour or so later, we decided to head back to the beach for some swim time.  When we arrived back on shore, the beach was a lot busier than it was when we pushed off.  The girls found a spot for our towels and my daughter swam while I loaded the kayaks back onto the truck.  Once done with that, I was ready to cool off.  I walked down to the beach, dropped my stuff, nodded to my wife, and we headed for the water.  It turned out to be one great day.  After a few hours of getting dunked and splashed, it was time to head home.  Needless to say, after my wife and I’s morning run, and a day at the beach kayaking and swimming, I slept really good last night.  Well, all except for that storm that forced me out of bed at 3Am to shut all the windows.  Other than that, I was glad to be relaxing in bed.